We don’t really live here


We showed our home again today.  A sweet young couple looking for their first home.  They walked around slowly and gave a lot of positive feedback. They even hung out in the kitchen and chatted with us for 10 minutes after they saw the whole house.
Your daddy asked them if they had been looking long. “No,” the man said, “I just started a new job and I’m in a 9 month probationary period.  So, we’re not in any kind of hurry.”

*Insert eye roll

I take that back.

*Insert internal screams and possibly a curse word. Also insert complete frustration, a small emotional breakdown, and the urgent desire to eat a pint of chocolate ice-cream.

I wanted to thank them for completely wasting our time and drop kick them out the door.
I wanted to throw glass plates.  Lots and lots of glass plates.

We rushed home from church to clean our home for a couple who “isn’t really in a hurry to buy a home. Just checking out the market.”

I steam mopped all my floors, scrubbed my bathrooms, AND removed all sticky traces of a  certain toddler from my kitchen.  I set out a plate of chocolate chip cookies (just out of the oven, thank you very much). I even got crazy and wiped down the doors of the refrigerator.  Who does that?!

I dusted and cleaned windows. Daddy vacuumed and hid laundry baskets in the car.  I even organized the inside of my cabinets just in case they looked inside.  (they did)
Daddy and I did all that for nothing.  FOR NOTHING.

Trying to sell our home has been a journey.  It’s only been on the market for 2 months, but I feel like it’s the longest 2 months of my life.  Possibly because every weekend I steam mop my floors my belly grows a little bit larger and I find myself out of breath more quickly than before.

By the time you are reading this, you will be teenagers and will probably know this. But let me tell you just in case.  I am slightly totally OCD about the house being tidy and clean.  Even when we are not trying to sell the house, I want things put away.  You can imagine what happens when we have to show it to strangers who are possibly buyers.

Your father gets a little frustrated with me because after they leave he can’t find anything.  I removed all the shampoo and body wash from the shower.  He can’t find his razor, the razor charger, or even his wallet.  Pretty much, I want it to look like we don’t really live here.  I want the potential buyer to see themselves in the house, not us.

Making our house look like we don’t live in it has proven quite difficult.  Because we do live here.  Neala you are 14 months. Which means you are big enough to walk around making mini messes everywhere you go.  However, you are not big enough to clean all of them up.  Cue your pregnant mother awkwardly bending over to pick up your random trail of toys.

I must give you some credit.  You are starting to help clean up some things.  When you aren’t being a total diva. (14 months also means you throw random fits for no reason and try to be the boss.  Yeah right!  That is NOT happening sista.)

Kids, there will be times in your life you will want something.  You will want it right away.  It would be a huge disservice to you if we raised you to believe you always get what you want, at exactly the time you want it.  The truth is, you will very rarely get things on your timetable.

God has a plan and purpose for your lives.  It is important to remember his plan has timing.
For example, I believe God has a spouse for each of you.  Someone who will love you, be devoted to you, and support you. God’s plan is for you to marry.  The timing of this plan will not happen for a very long time.  In fact, if neither one of you want to date until you’re 18, daddy and I are completely fine with it.  I’m not even sure how I will send you to kindergarten, how in the world will I let you go out on a date?

Remember to always ask God for patience in the waiting.  You would think I would have this patience thing down pat by now.  I don’t.  But I’m getting better.
Every time we show our home and they don’t call back. I remind myself God has perfect timing.
Every time I leave for work wishing I could stay home with you instead.  I remind myself God has a plan.
Every time I ask your daddy to load the dishwasher and he says, “in a minute.” I remind myself to stop asking him and just do it because I do it better anyway.  😉

It may be awhile before we sell this home.  In the meantime, we’ll keep living here Monday-Saturday.  On Sunday we will pretend we don’t live here.
I will bake chocolate chip cookies.  Daddy will vacuum and hide laundry baskets.
And we will ask God to give us patience while we wait.

One thought on “We don’t really live here

  1. Since we just sold a house in August, I know how you feel. Oh, minus Neala and the pregnancy! So, I probably don’t know at all how you feel. But, I’ve seen your house, and I think it will sell soon.


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